UNSW provided Landcom with strategic advice on how to identify and redress modern slavery in their business operations and supply chains.
Landcom is NSW Government's land and property development organisation. Their mission is to create more affordable and sustainable communities. They help NSW Government achieve its urban management objectives by improving the supply, diversity, and affordability of new housing.
Landcom reports annually under the Modern Slavery Act (2018 Cth). There are an estimated 50 million people around the world trapped in modern slavery, many working at the bottom of global supply chains. Landcom sought UNSW's help to develop practices that would operate as an early warning system in the detection and prevention of modern slavery risks.
UNSW guided Landcom to develop workplace policies and practices designed to mitigate supply chain risks in the long term. An organisational response and remedy framework, and protocols to manage incident reporting, will enable suppliers, workers, and stakeholders in the construction sector to collaborate with Landcom in tackling the problem of modern slavery.
"Incorporating independent expert advice enables Landcom to develop a best practice model to address modern slavery risks in our supply chain."
Monica Mcsheffrey, Social Sustainability & Partnerships Manager - Landcom