Futures Expo Series - Future Health

Welcome to Future Health - the inaugural event and publication in the UNSW Futures
Expo Series 2024. We are pleased to showcase the wealth of UNSW research
expertise that aligns with the Commonwealth Government’s $15 billion National
Reconstruction Fund priority areas. Through this series, we aim to bridge the gap
between potential partners and UNSW research capabilities, fostering collaboration
and driving innovation to address the critical challenges that face our nation, and the

The COVID-19 years were some of the most testing in recent memory. However,
the need to protect global communities also spurred remarkable advancements in
healthcare and medical science. At UNSW Sydney, we are committed to translating
these advancements into tangible solutions.

The UNSW RNA Institute is building on the rapid evolution of RNA biology
and therapeutics to understand neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s,
and hard-to-treat cancers in children. EPIWATCH is an AI-driven, early warning
system that uses open-source data to monitor epidemics around the world. And
startup, Gheorg, has developed a virtual robot character that helps children
with the top five mental health issues: anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, and self harm.

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